Thor Omega, purpose built support/escort ship, built in 2008 in Mest shipyard, Faroe Islands. Classed DNV
Thor Omega

- Max: 8 m3/ 24 @ 11.5 knots
- Economy: 4 m3/ 24 @ 8.5 - 9.0 knots (3 engines)
- Escort: 1.8 m3/ 24 @ 4.5 - 5.0 knots (2 engines)
- Heavy fuel 992 m3, Diesel oil 556 m3
- Lubes: Lub. 5200 Ltrs Hydr. 5200 ltrs
- Fresh water: 69 m3
- Deck cargo: 100 ton
- Deck area: 200 m2
- 50 Total
- 10 Crew Members
- 40 SPS Crew
- Deck crane: ABAS 5 ton SWL 1,8 - 16 m
- Rope winch: 1,5 ton
- Capstan: 4 x 5 ton
- 2 Anchor winches
- Towing hook: 30 ton SWL
- Bunker winch
1 x Vestdavit PLR-15000 - SWL 15,000 kg
1 x Vestdavit PL - 3.000 for Rescue boat - SWL 3,000 kg
Norsafe MIDGET 530 MK II Diesel Jet Rescue Boat, capacity:6 persons,72 Hp inboard diesel engine waterjet
- Liferafts: 6 x Viking 25 DK SOLAS 25 persons
- Life-jackets: 104 x Merman 16 A SOLAS
- Immersion suits: 64 x Viking PS 5002 SOLAS
- 2 x PS 4190 SOLAS FRC working suits
- 1 x PS 5041 SOLAS FRC working suits
- 3 x Crewsaver SOLAS inflatable lifejackets
- 3 x Jofa 390 R Helmets
Clean Agent FS49c2
A4 Furuno FS-2570 150W MF/HF SSB Transceiver
Furuno FS-2575C
Furuno FM-8900S VHF-DSC Transceiver
Radio Ocean RO 4700 VHF Transceiver
Furuno NX-700-B Navtex Receiver
Furuno Felcom-15 Inmarsat-C
SSAS UPG for Furuno Felcom-15
Lars Thrane A/S LT-3100S Communication System (IRIDIUM)
McMurdo E-5-A EPIRB
McMurdo E-5-M EPIRB
McMurdo G4 SART
McMurdo R-2 portable GMDSS VHF Transceiver
Furuno radar:
FAR-2137S/IMO S-band 30 kW with 12 fot antenna
FAR-2117/IMO X-band 12 kW with 6.5 fot antenna
Echosounder and speed-log:
Furuno FE-700/200 IMO
Furuno DS-80 speed-log
Furuno FA-150 AIS Transceiver
Furuno GP-150 GPS-Professional navigator
2 x Tecdis/T-2138 - BB/AC OSV
Gyro / autopilot and bridge-alarm:
Anschuetz Standard 22 Gyro-compass
Anschuetz Digital Autopilot Pilotstar D
Furuno SC-110 Satellite-compass
RD-30 Remote display
Emergency communication system wheelhouse/engine. PHONTECH BTS-4061
Communication system round the ship. PHONTECH CIS 3102
Motorola portable UHF-tranceivers.
Motorola Long range Remote Vehicle Base UHF radio station.
Safety helmet, with Peltor head-set.
ADCP ( Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler )
- Fuel Oil: 1 x Allweiler, type 211.105.048 IBB IEC 200. 120 m3/hour
- Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO): 1 x Allweiler, type 211.118/058 (189m3/h)
- Fresh Water: 1 x 50 m3/hour
- E-mail:
- E-Mail: Engine
- Tel.: IP Bridge +44 122 467 2525
- Tel.: IP Engine +44 122 467 2523
- FBB : +870 773 237 019
- InmarsatC: 423 108 511
- GMDSS: +881 641 708 126